On Monday, active discussions were held at the Sir Dawda Jawara Conference Centre regarding the development of a new constitution for the country. The political party leaders are brought together to discuss and commit to democratic processes for creating a new constitution that reflects the aspirations of the people.
The brain behind the initiative is the International Institution for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) the driving force behind the discussions. IDEA is a renowned organization that assists governments in strengthening democracy and electoral systems. Their involvement highlights the importance of ensuring that the Constitution aligns with international democratic standards.
The political leaders come together to discuss the way forward, that will pave the way for inclusive decision-making and takes into account diverse viewpoints. The collaborative approach will help to address various concerns and interests, giving the Constitution a broader sense of legitimacy and acceptance.
The discussions taking place at the Sir Dawda Jawara Conference Centre present a promising opportunity to develop a new constitution that reflects the aspirations and values of the people. The political leaders, and international institutions IDEA are ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive process that can lead to effective and sustainable governance to usher in the Third Republic.
Source: Kexx