Fabulous G is one of Trinity founding member from back in 1993. For the first 20 years, Trinity Sound was based in Stockholm, and at the time consisted of Fabulous G, Daddy Boastin and DJ Flash. Trinity Sound has since then played across Europe, in the Caribbean, Africa and Thailand, and is one of the biggest and longest-living sounds within reggae and sound system culture in Scandinavia. Trinity entered its 30th year last year. Fabulous G moved from Stockholm and expanded the sound system to Oslo in 2013. And their presence in the Norwegian capital strengthened their position as a leading force within the music industry and collobrtion with other sounds and artist.
Fabulous G, former Grammy Award winner and voted Grenada’s best DJ 1991, he is an artist, a legend who give it all, whether a showcase, a live session, a jugglin or in a sound clash.
Fabulous G – contact detail
E-mail: robertbenjamin93@gmail.com
Mob +47 98022635
Webpage: www.trinity-sound.com
Facebook: Robert Benjamin
Instagram: fabulousgtrinity
Youtube: Fabulous G Trinity