At a colorful ceremony held at the children’s hospital in Banjul, Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH) unveiled a brand-new, cutting-edge cardiology unit on Tuesday.
Sponsors, the Norwegian charity ScanAid Foundation, also attended the inauguration, which was presided over by First Lady Fatoumatta Bah-Barrow. Officials said that opening this brand-new, cutting-edge facility would contribute to the nation’s efforts to ensure timely treatment of cardiology-related illnesses and reduce referrals to neighboring nations.
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When Dr. Ammar Al Jafari, the hospital’s Chief Medical Director (CMD), greeted the attendees, he recalled that heart disease issues were a problem in The Gambia when he first arrived in 2013, and that the country could not do anything to address them.
CMD Al Jafari stated that they now stand a good chance of performing diagnostics and receiving treatment thanks to this brand-new, cutting-edge facility.
He expressed gratitude to the Norwegian sponsors and Dr. Lamin Jaiteh, the project’s creator, for their foresight, stating that the country’s health sector is on the right track to greater success.
In addition, the EFSTH’s head of the cardiology unit, Dr. Lamin Jaiteh, disclosed that ScanAid International, a Norwegian charity, provided the majority of funding for the cardiology unit.
He added that he and one of his coworker brothers came up with the idea for the project in April 2019; after giving it some thought, they decided, “Yes, it is.”
Dr. Jaiteh praised the Norwegian nonprofit organization ScanAid for their unrelenting efforts to raise funds to ensure that work could begin in earnest.
He recalled that The Gambia, like the majority of low-income nations, faces a dual disease burden, stating that while the nation combats infectious diseases like tuberculosis, diabetes, malaria, HIV/AIDS, and other respiratory diseases in children, Non-Communicable Diseases continue to rise at an alarming rate.