In his communication from the Chair on the Sitting of Monday 13th March 2023, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Fabakary Tombong Jatta expressed dismay for a lack of quorum to a sitting last week.
“I wish to express my utter dismay to this Assembly about the unfortunate situation of Thursday 09th March 2023 in which the Assembly could not proceed with business due to lack of the required quorum. Honorable members, this is indeed unacceptable to the Assembly and as people’s representative in a democracy.”
He said that it is the fundamental and sacred duty of every parliamentarian to attend to the business of the Assembly irrespective of that day’s business. He added that their primary duty is to be in parliament, especially when the Assembly is sitting either at plenary or at the committee level as that is what they are elected or nominated for. When the Assembly calls all other business is secondary.