According to a media despatch,the ministry of Higher Education Research Science and Technology clarified misleading social media discourse on the affairs of Gambian students in Morocco.
“It has been brought to the attention of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research Science & Technology that Gambian students studying in the Kingdom of Morocco took to social media to express their dissatisfaction about the late payment of their stipends.
However, we wish to inform the public that the information trending is misleading and laced with malice. The Ministry discovered that some students would complete their undergraduate programmes and continue to pursue advanced studies in the same programmes without clearance from the Ministry. It has also come to light that some students could not finish their programmes during the prescribed timeframe. At the same time, they continue to benefit from stipend payments in their fifth and sixth years of studies in programmes they are supposed to complete in four years. These facts must be established.”
The statement added that the Ministry fielded a headcount mission involving two officers (one from the scholarship unit and one from the internal audit). This team has had meetings with the Gambian Embassy, the Executive of the Students Association, and the body responsible for awarding scholarships (AMCI) in Rabat, the Kingdom of Morocco.
“During these meetings, the position of the Ministry has been reiterated, and the students in the Kingdom of Morocco are aware of the position that only students under the Ministry’s sponsorship will be paid.
The Accountant General’s Department was advised to make the necessary payments to the Gambian Embassy in Rabat, and it has been reported that the funds will reach the Embassy early next week to facilitate payment of stipends to all deserving MoHERST student.
The Ministry advises the students to exercise patience and assures them that we share their predicament. However, we must address these issues for national interest to avoid audit inconveniences in the future.