“Breathtakingly, Ousmane Sonko – who was abducted in front of his family on the pretext of having violently stolen a cell phone by committing a so-called flagrant offense to the detriment of a female gendarme of his state – was led manu militari in the electrified precincts of the Court of Dakar where the police hastily completed the investigation, to transmit the file to the Public Prosecutor on the lookout, under the preventions no longer of theft with violence, but – hold your breath – of theft committed in a meeting with violence (1), association of criminals in connection with a terrorist enterprise (2), dissemination of false news (3), endangering the lives of others (4), financing of terrorism (5), direct provocation to an armed crowd (6), direct provocation to an unarmed crowd by speech made publicly-either in writing or printed-posters or distributed (7), complicity in intentional homicide by instigation and provocation (8), acts of nature to compromise public security and to cause serious political disturbances (9), money laundering and terrorist financing (9), attack whose aim will have been either to destroy or change the constitutional regime – or to disturb by illegal means the regular functioning of the authorities established by the constitution-either to obtain by illegal means the change of the said authorities – or to incite the citizens or inhabitants to arm themselves against the authority of the State – or to undermine the national territorial integrity (punishable by life imprisonment, article 72 of the penal code) (10) and commission of terrorist acts (article 279-1 of the penal code punishable by life imprisonment) (11) , homicide or involuntary injuries under the visa of article 307 of the penal code (12).