The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education,MoBSE to introduce a Mentoring, Induction and Practicum Program For Newly Qualified Teachers and Teacher Trainees (TTs).
As part of commitment to support the continuing professional development of teachers in The Gambia, the In-Service Training (INSET) Unit of MoBSE is working closely with The Gambia College and other key stakeholders to introduce an Induction and Mentoring Program for Newly Qualified Teachers appointed to school for the first time and Student Teachers from the Gambia College.
The Program seeks to bridge the gap between pre- service and in-service teacher education, thus forming a systematic and coherent continuum support and professional development in the transition from student teacher to newly qualified teacher.
As part of the program implementation strategy, the INSET Unit will preside over the identification and training of teachers with the necessary content knowledge and personal attributes to be trained as Mentor Teachers.
A Mentor Teacher has the responsibility of overseeing the development of induction activities, supporting and mentoring the Newly Qualified Teacher(s) and Student Teachers under him/her in their day to day professional development as new teachers or Teacher Trainees (TTs).
It is envisaged that once this program is successfully rolled out, it will help to enhance the professional competencies of both the newly qualified teachers and student teachers as outlined in the Gambia Teacher Competency Framework.
This pilot programme targets only newly qualified teachers in Advanced Diplomat-Primary and Early Childhood Development Teachers as a start.
Communication Unit, MoBSE.
MOBSE introduces induction, mentoring program for newly qualified teachers &teacher trainees.
The Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education,MoBSE to introduce a Mentoring, Induction and Practicum Program For Newly Qualified Teachers and Teacher Trainees (TTs).
As part of commitment to support the continuing professional development of teachers in The Gambia, the In-Service Training (INSET) Unit of MoBSE is working closely with The Gambia College and other key stakeholders to introduce an Induction and Mentoring Program for Newly Qualified Teachers appointed to school for the first time and Student Teachers from the Gambia College.
The Program seeks to bridge the gap between pre- service and in-service teacher education, thus forming a systematic and coherent continuum support and professional development in the transition from student teacher to newly qualified teacher.
As part of the program implementation strategy, the INSET Unit will preside over the identification and training of teachers with the necessary content knowledge and personal attributes to be trained as Mentor Teachers.
A Mentor Teacher has the responsibility of overseeing the development of induction activities, supporting and mentoring the Newly Qualified Teacher(s) and Student Teachers under him/her in their day to day professional development as new teachers or Teacher Trainees (TTs).
It is envisaged that once this program is successfully rolled out, it will help to enhance the professional competencies of both the newly qualified teachers and student teachers as outlined in the Gambia Teacher Competency Framework.
This pilot programme targets only newly qualified teachers in Advanced Diplomat-Primary and Early Childhood Development Teachers as a start.
Communication Unit, MoBSE.