In contrast to traditional rice farming, which primarily focuses on cultivating rice for family consumption, the farmers group has begun to reap the benefits of their labor.
Kawsu Fofana, a rice rancher at Kuntaur town who lead CRR north rice ranchers bunch presently promoting their rice at the Exchange Fair offered thanks to the undertaking for showing them a method for making cultivating a rewarding business.
Gambia is praised by Event DC for its “outstanding cultural education.”
He said, “Before, we only cultivate rice for consumption, but the RVCP has taught us how to make more income from it.” He added that they received 21 days of training to learn how to use various rice varieties.
In order to begin farming rice, 25 individuals from various villages were given training and seed and fertilizer supplies. In a few years, the farmers said, they are determined to reduce the country’s reliance on imported rice.
“We come here to sell the rice we’ve grown here.” We want people to buy from us because the price is lower than that of imported rice,” Mr. Fofana added.
In order to draw buyers, the rice that is grown is sold on the local market. According to Mr. Fofana, it is difficult for them to enter a large market. We only have small weekly “lumos,” or market days.
“Now we have business owners from Marou Farm and Zakaria on board to buy our rice. Mr. Fofana elaborated, “We are selling our rice for D1,700.”
However, he added that they lack the necessary equipment to level the rice fields and control the water flow.
The rice farmer made the following observation: “We want to produce more rice for the country to help reduce the price of rice, but we are challenged because water will destroy our rice when it rains.”
Rice Value Chain Project (RVCP) arranged for the team selling their rice at the Trade Fare to travel to gain access to markets.
Three distinct varieties are being used, each of which can be harvested every three months. These are cultivars that have the potential to assist farmers in rapidly generating income.
He responded with gratitude, “We are grateful to the project officials for helping us access the market, and now we are able to sell rice.” The country will import less rice if other projects can replicate RVCP.