President Adama Barrow has accepted the invitation from the Gambia Revenue Authority to grace and address the Authority at the 5th Annual Taxpayers Gala Dinner Award Night, according to Commissioner General Yankuba Darboe.
This information was made public by CG Darboe shortly after the M0U between GRA, FIU, and GIEPA was signed yesterday in the GRA conference room in Banjul.
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The head of the GRA claims that President Adama Barrow, along with the minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, other cabinet ministers, and prominent private sector employees, will preside over their 5th Annual Taxpayers Award Night.
The GRA created the event to honor and recognize taxpayers who mostly pay their taxes on time or meet their responsibilities in order to inspire other taxpayers to do the same.
A special committee at the GRA, led by Chairman Matty Njie Senghore, deputy director of the Compliance and Taxpayers Education Unit, will be in charge of organizing the award ceremony.
Over 500 people, including Cabinet ministers, are expected to attend the award ceremony, which will be hosted by His Excellency President Adama Barrow.
A statement from the GRA stated, “The ceremony is meant to give awards to the most tax compliant companies as a sign of motivation and appreciation so that others can follow in the footsteps of paying taxes to the state regularly.” The award ceremony has various categories, and invitees are urged to arrive promptly at the conference room prior to the President and his supporters’ arrival.
The following is the reasoning behind the Awards: The primary objective of this dinner is to express gratitude to taxpayers who have consistently filed their taxes and paid their taxes on time to the GRA and the government.