Drug Demand Reduction unit on Tuesday organized a daylong school sensitization and engagement for the establishment of drug-free clubs in NASIR AHMADIYA SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL AND NYAKOI SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL IN the UPPER RIVER REGION.
Presentations centered on the drug abuse situation in The Gambia, meaning and classifications of drugs, health, and legal implications as well as the establishment of a drug-free club in their schools and drug abuse, illicit drug trafficking, and related matters.
“We take this opportunity to exert sincere thanks and appreciation to the principals of both schools, VP Mr. Darkwah Nasir SSS and Mr. Musa Touray of Nyakoi UBS/SSS, and the entire staff and students’ of both schools.”
The outreach program was very educative and highly interactive. Similarly, students were enlightened on pertinent issues relating to illicit drug trafficking and abuse as well as evidence-based preventive measures that they can take to protect themselves against the devastating and multiplying implications of the prevalence of illicit drugs and related activities.